Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Co-Occurring Disorder Treatment

At Lantana Wellness Center, we understand the importance of dual diagnosis treatment because research has proven that individuals with co-occurring disorders often experience more severe drug cravings and have a higher risk of relapse than those with only a substance use disorder. Our serene residential treatment facility provides a safe and supportive environment for resident to share their experiences and learn from healthcare professionals such as therapists, addiction specialists during individual therapy, and others who have faced similar challenges during support group therapy.

What Is Dual Diagnosis Treatment?

Dual diagnosis treatment is a specialized treatment that simultaneously addresses a substance use disorder and a co-occurring mental health disorder, such as anxiety or depression. Residents with a dual diagnosis need to receive treatment for both conditions to successfully manage each disorder and thrive in recovery. Research indicates treatment programs that identify both mental health and substance use disorders have higher success rates.

dual diagnosis treatment
mental health and substance abuse

Mental Health and Substance Abuse

Mental health and substance abuse are closely related issues. Substance abuse can lead to the development of mental health conditions, and mental health issues can lead to addiction. Lantana uses integrated treatment, acknowledging the relationship between both disorders and their core causes to control mental health issues without substance use.

Let's talk.
We're here to help.

We can help you achieve sobriety and overcome your addiction. Our compassionate treatment specialists are here to support you every step of the way to a life free from substance use.

Get in contact

Send us a message with any questions. Reaching out can be your first step toward peace. We’re here for you when you’re ready.

Our programs

Our treatment ensures a strong recovery foundation backed by effective coping skills and strategies to prevent relapse and live a fulfilled life free from addiction.

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